The Chemistry program at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Syarif Hidayatullah University of Jakarta, is dedicated to advancing research fields. In the beginning, The Chemistry Program includes only pure chemistry and applied chemistry, such as the researches that are related to waste adsorbent, natural product & health, biotechnology, catalyst, material chemistry, cosmetics, environment, crude oil, nanoparticles, functional food, polymer, radiopharmaceuticals, organic chemistry synthesis and fatty acid validations methods. However, on the next step, some research fields grows faster than the others. The said research fields are Natural product & health, catalyst for biodiesel, environment, and functional food.
Figure 1. Research Themes of Chemistry Departement.
The Chemistry Program has a vision to achieve, which says “To become an excellent Chemistry Study Program at the regional, national, and international levels, capable of integrating the science of chemistry with adherence to Islamic and Indonesian values”. Therefore, chemistry researches are held according to the development of science and technology, also the integration of science, islam, and biodiversity potential in Indonesia. Other than that, researches related to halal food, energy & catalyst, and Natural resources & environment are also developed to concieve simple commercial product, patent, national journal and international journal article Q1.
Figure 2. Research Roadmap of Chemistry Departement.
Food: Halal & Fuctional
There are some examples of research themes related to this field, which are constantly being held and developed, such as Isolation of natural active ingredients, Exploration of indigienous material, and Honey research development. The members of this research field are :
- Dr. Sandra Hermanto, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Dr. Sri yadial Chalid, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Dr. La Ode Sumarlin, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Anna Muawanah, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Nurul Amilia, M.Si
Energy and Catalyst
Researches in this field that are constantly developed are related to Renewable Energy source and Catalyst development. The members of this research field are :
- Dr. Isalmi Aziz, MT (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Dr. Yusraini DIS, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Nanda Saridewi, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Yulyani Nur Azizah, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Agus Rimus Liandi, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Dr. Meyliana Wulandari, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
Natural Resouces and Environment
Some researches about water and waste treatment includes reuse, reduce and recycle, by using Indonesia’s natural sources. The members of this research field are :
- Prof. Dr. Hendrawati, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Drs. Dede Sukandar, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Dr. Siti Nurbayti, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Nurhasni, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Ahmad Fathoni, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
- Tarso Rudiana, M.Si (Google Scholar, Scopus, Sinta)
Research RoadMaps
Figure 3. Research plan for commercializations of Natural Honey bee
Figure 4. Natural Product Chemistry Research Group Roadmap
Figure 5. Environmental Chemistry Research Group Roadmap
Figure 4. Food Chemistry Research Group Roadmap
Figure 4. Biofuel Research Group Roadmap