
The Chemistry Study Program curriculum of the Faculty of Science and Technology is aligned with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework-based Curriculum for the Academic Years 2020 – 2025. The Chemistry Study Program at FST has implemented this KKNI-based curriculum since 2015, referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Permenristek-Dikti) No. 44 of 2015 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education. This regulation emphasizes that Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) encompass three aspects: attitudes or attitude, mastery of knowledge, and skills.  Apart from that, it has accommodated the Indonesian Chemical Association as the Chemical Professional Association in Indonesia

Additionally, the development of this curriculum also adopts the Independent Learning Policy – Independent Campus (MBKM) based on the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation (Permendikbud) Number 3 of 2020 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education.  The Chemistry Study Program has also adopted an Outcomes-based Curriculum.  Through the Independent Learning Policy – Independent Campus, students have the opportunity to spend 1 (one) semester or equivalent to 20 (twenty) credits taking courses outside their study program at the same university; and for a maximum of 2 (two) semesters or equivalent to 40 (forty) credits taking courses in the same study program at different universities and/or learning outside universities.

Program Learning Objectives

Curriculum Map


NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1FST 6096101Basic Chemistry I33.67
2FST 6096102Basic Chemistry Laboratory Work I12.08
3FST 6097114Basic Physic22.44
4NAS 6013203Indonesian Language33.20
5FST 6094225Calculus22.44
6UIN 6032201Islamic Studies44.27
7FST 6097115Basic Physic Laboratory Work12.08
8UIN 6021204Arabic Language33.20
9UIN 6033205Qiroah practice and Worship23.22
  Number of credits2126.60
NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1FST 6096103Basic Chemistry II33.67
2FST 6096104Basic Chemistry Laboratory Work II12.11
3FST 6096105Organic Chemistry I33.67
4FST 6096106Organic Chemistry Laboratory Work I12.08
5FST 6097116Advance Physic22.44
6FST 6096107Chemical Laboratory Management22.44
7FST 6095201Basic Biology22.44
8NAS 6112201Pancasila and civic education33.20
9FST 6091101Introduction to Information and Communication Technology22.29
10FST 6096108Qualitative Analytical Chemistry22.60
11FST 6096109Qualitative Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Work12.11
  Number of credits2229.06
NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1FST 6096110Organic Chemistry II33.67
2FST 6096111Organic Chemistry Laboratory Work II12.08
3FST 6096112Quantitative Analytical Chemistry33.67
4FST 6096113Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Work12.08
5FST 6096114Chemical Thermodynamics33.67
6FST 6096115Chemical Thermodynamics Laboratory Work12.08
7FST 6096116Inorganic Structure and Reactivity33.67
8FST 6096117Inorganic Structure and Reactivity Laboratory Work12.11
9UIN 6032202Islam and Science33.20
  Number of credits1928.34
  Elective courses22.13
  Total of credits2130.47
  Elective courses available (Max for 2)  
1FSH 6046126IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)22.13
2FST 6096319Management of Hazardous Materials22.13
3FST 6092038Halal Food Standardization and Management22.13
NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1FST 6096121Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry33.67
2FST 6096122Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry Laboratory Work12.11
3FST 6096123Chemical Dynamics33.67
4FST 6096124Chemical Dynamics Laboratory Work12.11
5FST 6096125Structure and Function of Biomolecules33.67
6FST 6096126Biochemistry Laboratory Work12.08
7FST 6096127Chemical Separation Techniques33.67
8FST 6096128Chemical Separation Techniques Laboratory Work12.11
9FST 6094106Elementary statistics33.67
  Number of credits1926.74
  Elective courses44.27
  Total of credits2331.01
  Elective courses available (Max for 2)  
1FST 6096329Polymer Chemistry22.13
2FST 6096330Chemical Process Industry22.13
3FST 6096331Functional Food22.13
4FST 6095106Microbiology22.13
5FST 6096332Organic Chemical Synthesis22.13
NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1FST 6096133Metabolism33.67
2FST 6096134Natural Product Chemistry22.44
3FST 6096135Natural Product Chemistry Laboratory Work12.11
4FST 6096136Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy22.44
5FST 6096137Instrument Analysis Laboratory Work12.08
6FST 6096138Food Chemistry Laboratory Work12.11
7FST 6096139Food Chemistry33.67
8UIN 6014203English33.67
  Number of credits1622.19
  Elective courses44.27
  Total of credits2026.46
  Elective courses available (max for 2)  
1FST 6096340Electrochemistry22.13
2FST 6096341Bioinorganic22.13
3FST 6096342Mineral Chemistry22.13
4FST 6096343Enzymology22.13
5FST 6096344Catalyst Chemistry22.13
6FST 6096345Colloid Chemistry22.13
7FST 6096346Petroleum Chemistry22.13
8FST 6096347Mineral Metabolism22.13
NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1FST 6096148Structure Elucidation22.44
2FST 6092035Technopreneurship22.44
3FST 6096149Food Technology33.67
4UIN 6000208Research Methodology33.67
5FST 6096150Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Work12.08
6FST 6096151Environmental Chemistry22.44
  Number of credits1316,74
  Elective courses66.40
  Total of credits2323.14
  Elective courses available (Max for 5)  
1FST 6096352Inorganic Chemical Synthesis22.13
2FST 6096353Cosmetic and Medicinal Chemistry22.13
3FST 6096354Environmental Impact Management Analysis (AMDAL)22.13
4FST 6096355Toxicology22.13
5FST 6096356Food Safety Control22.13
6FST 6096357Biotechnology22.13
7FST 6096358Radiation Chemistry and Applications22.13
8FST 6096359Halal Food Analysis22.13
9FST 6096360Additive Chemistry22.13
NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1FST 6096161Colloquium22.93
2UIN 6000207Job training/Internship (PKL)45.87
3UIN 6000206Community Service Program (KKN)46.40
  Number of credits1013.75
  Elective courses44.27
  Total of credits1419.47
  Elective courses available  
1FST 6095237Environmental Toxicology22.13
2FST 6096362Zeolite22.13
3FST 6096363Bioorganic22.13
4FST 6096364Biochemical Laboratory Technique22.13
5FST 6096120Natural resource management22.13
6FST 6096365Biofuels22.13
7FST 6095123Bioinformatics22.13
8FST 6096367Computational Chemistry22.13
NoCodeCompulsory CoursesCreditECTS
1UIN 6000312Bachelor Thesis612.00
2UIN 6000313Seminar11.73
  Number of credits713.73
Compulsory Courses127 Credits176.48 ECTS
Elective Courses20 Credits21.33 ECTS
Total147 Credits197.81 ECTS
